Event: Bible Study/Small group
Date: October 11, 2017
Time: 6:30pm-8pm Wednesday evenings
Special Needs Parenting: From Coping to Thriving offers emotional and spiritual resources for the journey of special needs parenting. Dr. Bradley explores the challenges, grief, and joy with deep sensitivity, theological depth, and practical advice.
The study would meet on Wednesday evenings once a month (schedule below) with a discussion forum/Facebook page set to private so only those in the study could post and see.
November 15 December 13 January 17
February 21 March 14 April 18
May 16
Childcare is available with reservations, please contact amanda@stmarksbethany.com to discuss this further and reserve a spot.
Books available at Amazon: Kindle $9.49 Paperback $14.93 Chapters are short and will not require extensive reading.
*Book scholarships are available, please contact Amanda Peters at
amanda@stmarksbethany.com for more information.