Taking Root
A Place to Grow
1. How was the decision made to pursue a capital campaign?
The decision to pursue a capital campaign has been a lengthy and judicious process. In November of 2022, when we disaffiliated from the United Methodist Church and took full ownership of our building, our Trustees began looking at the state of our facility and making a list of things that needed repair and/or improvement so that we might carry out our ministry more faithfully and effectively. Over the next year, it became apparent that the scope of what was needed was greater than our ability to pay for through normal funding channels. This situation was discussed with our Trustees and our Finance Committees. Both agreed that the only way to accomplish what was needed was to raise a significant amount of capital that would be dedicated to necessary projects throughout the facility. The discussion then moved to the Administrative Council, the final decision-making body of the church. After months of prayer, discussion, and discernment, in April of 2024 the Administrative Council decided to pursue a capital campaign.
2. How were the various projects we are trying to fund decided?
Our Trustees had previously developed a list of necessary and high priority projects. That list was further refined and expanded through talking with the church staff and various ministry groups within the church.
3. What is the cost of doing nothing?
Every project we have identified is something that needs immediate attention and, if not addressed now, will cost us significantly more financially in the future. It is not a matter of “if” things need addressed, but only a matter of “how” and “when.” The other cost of doing nothing is to miss the ministry opportunities that God is placing before us. Our facility limits many of our ministries as they currently operate while also placing limits on developing new ones.
4. How will the priority of the projects be determined?
The priority of the projects will be decided by the Administrative Council and Trustees, based on feedback from the congregation and the amount of money that is available.
5. What will the timing of the various projects be?
We will start on the projects as soon as possible, while also doing our best to not disrupt the ongoing ministries of the church. This will likely mean that the various projects will have to be staged in such a way that only one area of the church will be worked on at a time.
6. Will we wait until all money is raised before projects are started?
No. Given the pressing needs of this capital campaign and the reality of inflation, we will begin tackling projects as the money becomes available to facilitate ministry and keep costs down.
7. What if we don’t raise enough money? Will we take on any debt?
St. Mark’s will not enter long term indebtedness. We will only spend as much as we raise. Since we will be receiving money over the course of 3 years it is possible that we might borrow short term against what has been pledged in order to get major projects accomplished in a timely and cost-effective manner, but we are hopeful that this won’t be necessary. But, regardless, St Mark’s is committed to ending the campaign debt-free.
8. What if we raise more than we need?
First, we will praise God for his abundance and for the generosity of his people! After that, any decisions on excess money would begin with the Finance Committee. They, in consultation with the Trustees, would then make a recommendation to the Administrative Council for final approval. There are numerous possible projects that have been proposed but were decided to not be as pressing as those currently identified. We would likely re-consider some of those projects or discuss creating a fund where the interest could be used for future maintenance of the building. But, ultimately, any decision on excess funds would rest with the elected administrative committees of the church.
9. How will a capital campaign impact giving to the budget?
Studies have shown that capital campaigns typically cause annual giving to be mostly stagnant during the three years of the campaign. However, those same studies have shown that capital campaigns tend to increase future giving significantly. The generosity developed during a capital campaign often results in greater giving to the church for years to come.
10. How will the campaign improve accessibility for people with disabilities and senior adults?
Making our building more accessible is one of the priorities that will be seen and felt though the entire campaign. Every area we are improving will take accessibility into account. This will result in more, and better equipped, restrooms throughout the facility. It will mean more and better equipped water fountains throughout the facility. It will mean more and safer accessible parking. It will mean pushbutton door openers at both the front and rear of the facility. Everything from new chairs and tables to new flooring, will consider the needs of people with disabilities and older adults.
11. When are we expected to make a pledge? When will we be expected to start giving?
We will begin asking for advanced commitments as early as October. The final three months of the year will be our “quiet phase” as we meet with leaders of the church to seek “lead gifts” to help give the public phase of our campaign needed momentum. Although we welcome anyone that wants to give an advanced commitment, the majority of the congregation will be asked to make their pledges in February on our TBD Commitment Sunday. Regardless of when you choose to make your pledge, we want every member to take at least a month to pray and ask God “Lord, what do you want to do through me in this campaign?” Some may choose to begin paying on their pledge in tax year 2024, but March 2025 is when we would ask everyone to begin paying on their pledges.
12. Can CDO be a contributor for kid specific projects?
Our Children’s Day Out (CDO) already contributes to improvements in and maintenance of the children’s area. This will continue. However, CDO does not generate sufficient funds to make significant additional contributions to the campaign.
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